Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night at FOX61-Hartford

My experience at the FOX61 news station on election night was a memory I will not soon forget. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had since I came to Quinnipiac. Although there weren't many things related to my major, print journalism, I got to learn how many things work behind the scenes of an average news cast. It was amazing to meet the on air personalities which so many people in Connecticut know and love, even though I was not familiar with them prior to the visit. To be able to sit so close to the set; actually on the morning show set, was so interesting. You are able to see the slightest mistakes and the most important, necessary moves made by the crew and cast. I actually enjoyed sitting in front of the computer twittering right next to the producer. It was interesting to see how information is obtained behind the scenes. I can only imagine how amazing it must feel to actually break a story and be the one news stations are calling for the information. Being in the production booth was also an amazing experience. There was so much going on that it was a bit overwhelming, and to see the people who actually make the magic happen at work was extremely interesting. It was good to see Rick Hancock again as well, especially seeing him on television. The way they conducted the online chats was very informative, although there was much technical difficulty. The stress level of the employees was through the roof, as one could imagine on such an important night, and it was inspiring to see everyone work together and hide their frustration. I also enjoyed watching the weather man at work and seeing how a camera really does add pounds to a person.
The most rewarding experience for me of the whole night was talking to Rich Coppola, the sports anchor. He was one of the coolest guys at the station, and it is a shame that he is stuck in such a small, messy room. I understand that Connecticut doesn't have a sports market outside of the UCONN Huskies, but a man with his credibility deserves to be taken care of just as well as the weather man or the field reporters. He told me stories and memorable moments in his career, and he only further enhanced my desire to be a sportswriter. Since he was a Yankee fan, we positively talked about sports for a little while. He went on to explain how things in the news room work for his position and we looked at some film he was going over. He gave me his card and told me that if I was ever interested in an internship after graduation, to call him. This opportunity was greater than I could have asked for. To be able to attend and almost take part in such a monmumental night in history is unforgettable, and I look forward to pursuing a career in news, even more than before. Also, thanks to Rich Coppola, I am more interested in sports journalism than I have ever been.