Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night at FOX61-Hartford

My experience at the FOX61 news station on election night was a memory I will not soon forget. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had since I came to Quinnipiac. Although there weren't many things related to my major, print journalism, I got to learn how many things work behind the scenes of an average news cast. It was amazing to meet the on air personalities which so many people in Connecticut know and love, even though I was not familiar with them prior to the visit. To be able to sit so close to the set; actually on the morning show set, was so interesting. You are able to see the slightest mistakes and the most important, necessary moves made by the crew and cast. I actually enjoyed sitting in front of the computer twittering right next to the producer. It was interesting to see how information is obtained behind the scenes. I can only imagine how amazing it must feel to actually break a story and be the one news stations are calling for the information. Being in the production booth was also an amazing experience. There was so much going on that it was a bit overwhelming, and to see the people who actually make the magic happen at work was extremely interesting. It was good to see Rick Hancock again as well, especially seeing him on television. The way they conducted the online chats was very informative, although there was much technical difficulty. The stress level of the employees was through the roof, as one could imagine on such an important night, and it was inspiring to see everyone work together and hide their frustration. I also enjoyed watching the weather man at work and seeing how a camera really does add pounds to a person.
The most rewarding experience for me of the whole night was talking to Rich Coppola, the sports anchor. He was one of the coolest guys at the station, and it is a shame that he is stuck in such a small, messy room. I understand that Connecticut doesn't have a sports market outside of the UCONN Huskies, but a man with his credibility deserves to be taken care of just as well as the weather man or the field reporters. He told me stories and memorable moments in his career, and he only further enhanced my desire to be a sportswriter. Since he was a Yankee fan, we positively talked about sports for a little while. He went on to explain how things in the news room work for his position and we looked at some film he was going over. He gave me his card and told me that if I was ever interested in an internship after graduation, to call him. This opportunity was greater than I could have asked for. To be able to attend and almost take part in such a monmumental night in history is unforgettable, and I look forward to pursuing a career in news, even more than before. Also, thanks to Rich Coppola, I am more interested in sports journalism than I have ever been.

Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain Reveals Economic Plan

On Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2008, just one day after Barack Obama, Senator John McCain released his $52.5 billion economic plan aimed at easing financial distress on the nation’s workers, unemployed and elderly.

McCain strongly criticized Obama’s previously proposed policies, and stated that Obama, who has proposed tax cuts for 95 percent of American families, would actually raise taxes. McCain proposed that people ages 59 and up who withdraw money from IRAs or 401(k) retirement plans in 2008 and 2009 pay a tax rate of 10 percent on the money rather than their higher normal rates.

“Not everyone has 401(k)’s or retirement plans. It seems that McCain is only proposing to take care of the wealthier half of America. Obama is at least talking about catering to the majority; the middle and lower classes,” said New York City public school teacher, Eileen Byrne.

That part of the plan would cost $36 billion, based on the McCain campaign’s estimation. He is proposing a reduction in the tax on long-term capital gains to 7.5percent from 15 percent in 2009 and 2010 at an estimated cost of $10 billion.

McCain is also striving for speeding up the process in the tax write-off for stock losses, allowing Americans to subtract $15,000 in losses a year for the tax years 2008 and 2009, and current rules allow deductions up to $3,000 in losses. Along with that, he is pushing for a suspension on the tax on unemployment insurance benefits in 2008 and 2009, and a government guarantee on 100 percent of all savings accounts for six months.

“It sounds like it would be very beneficial. I know it’s cheaper than Obama’s plan, and I wonder where the money to fund these plans is coming from. At least McCain somewhat explained how the process of the tax deductions would work,” said ex-New York Police Officer, Patricia Mullins.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Will Obama's Economic Plan Help Americans?

On Monday, October 13, Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama unveiled his new economic proposals to address the current economic crisis, despite the October 3rd passing of the Senate’s revised $700 billion bailout plan

Obama is calling for temporary but costly new programs to help employers, automakers, homeowners, the unemployed, and state and local governments. He has proposed giving employers a $3,000 tax credit for each new employee to encourage job creation. He said he would seek to allow Americans of all ages to borrow from retirement savings without a tax penalty, to eliminate income taxes on unemployment benefits and to double, to $50 billion, the government’s loan guarantees for automakers.

Obama called on the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to lend money to cities and states with economic problems. He also proposed a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures, which would require financial institutions that take government help not to act against homeowners who are at least trying to make payments.

The total cost of the full economic plan is estimated at around $175 billion, including $60 billion for the steps more recently announced. Of the earlier $115 billion, $50 billion would be used to help states to speed the construction of roads and other projects that create jobs. The other $65 billion would be the cost of a second round of rebates to taxpayers this year.

Pat O’Brien is a hard working blue collar man of New York City, who supports his family of three on an automobile mechanic’s modest salary. Along with his wife, Marie, they combine to make $50,000 annually. Marie recently received a new job as a secretary at Manhattan College, and she is looking forward to receiving the $3,000 tax credit from Obama’s plan.

The O’Brien’s currently rent their small, two-bedroom co-operative apartment in the North Bronx, and for years, Pat has been trying to save up and acquire loans so he and his family can afford to buy the apartment and own in permanently. Due to Obama’s $50 billion guaranteed loans to automakers, this dream is looking more and more possible. The moratorium will no doubt help the O’Brien’s and give them more time to make payments on their newly owned home.

Pat and Marie have made it clear that they will be voting for Obama in the upcoming election, and his new economic plan provides them and many other American families with security and peace of mind.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Looking for Secretary of the State

Middle aged African American man looking for an attractive middle aged Caucasian woman with a stable family, as well as an open mind and Democratic values. She must be well educated and a good speaker who gets the point across. One must fully support a universal health care plan in which everybody is in, and nobody is left out. One must be aware of the implications of Roe vs. Wade, and should agree for health insurance to cover female contraceptives. She must feel that child safety locks should be on all firearms, and must oppose the sale or transfer of semi-automatic weapons while increasing restrictions on purchasing of firearms. One must be in favor of a tax cut for the poor and middle class. Lastly, one should strive for higher pay for teachers; pay based on merit, and should oppose vouchers being used for private schools, because it undermines public schools. All these beliefs and characteristics would make a great Secretary of the State and would greatly help serve the country.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Ray of Hope - Interactive Narratives

Through ESPN, Interactive Narratives published a link to a story about Jason Ray, a former mascot for the North Carolina Tar Heels who was killed alongside a road in New Jersey before a UNC basketball game. This package talks about his life, his death and his decision made long ago to donate his organs. Besides this piece being very emotional, it was done very well. Interactive narratives posts the link to the story with a short, provocative passage and a picture and title that caught my eye. Being a big fan of college basketball, I immediatley recognized the story when I saw the picture of Jason in his mascot costume. The story highlights his life, the unfornuate circumstances of his tragic death and the reprocussions, and the few people whose lives have been saved because of Jason's organs. The page is very graphic and there are many links to click on so you can watch vidoes, photo galleries and podcasts. Despite the passages being somewhat long, the piece is well mapped out and enhances the readers interest in the story. The many pictures throughout the story also help piece together everything for lazy readers who only want to skim the story. Overall, this is a great piece for interactive narratives to list on their website.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

MTV's "Rock the Vote" at Quinnipiac

The highly apathetic Quinnipiac University has been making efforts to increase the political awareness of its students for years, and the student programming board organized “Rock the Vote” on Friday in Alumni Hall.

In total, there were just over 80 students in attendance and about 30 of the attendees were there for a class. The guest speakers were an hour late due to transportation issues, and only approximately 50 students returned after the delay. When asked about the large amount of empty seats, co-coordinator Mark Miller replied, “I thought there would be a bunch more people. I guess Friday night isn’t a great time to have a program.”

“Rock the Vote” is an MTV inspired idea, which uses music and popular culture to increase political awareness among young adults and encourage them to vote. Two guests from a popular reality television series made a special appearance at the event. Cyrus and Brooke, two cast members from MTV’s Real World: Denver, with the help of Quinnipiac Democratic and Republican committees came to explain to students the importance of every vote.

“I honestly came to see Brooke and Cyrus. I don’t know that much about politics, so I figured this was a good way for me to learn a little and meet them. I think most people that are here are here to see them anyway,” said junior business major Laura Murphy.

“I like to get involved with politics here at school, so I thought I would come check it out, but I don’t think people from the Real World are real appropriate for something like this. They got randomly picked for a reality show. If those are the people that students are actually influenced by, that’s sad,” said junior education major Matt Tremper.