Monday, September 1, 2008

Barack Obama is a man who sticks to his beliefs and principles. In an MTV News interview with 23 year old Army Veteran Earnest Johnson, when asked about lowering the legal drinking age Obama replied, "I know it drives you nuts, but I am not going to lower the drinking age." He later went on to explain how much a few years difference can drastically lower the drunk driving incidents. Many would argue that the legal drinking age being 21 is unfair because of the numerous activities youths can take part in that supercede the maturity level of consuming a few beers. Citizens between the ages of 18-20 can purchase a firearm, drive a car, vote, serve in the military and take part in nearly every civil obligation. The problem with American youth is that they tend to binge drink. Many American teens go on trips to foreign countries simply because they are of the legal age to drink. Obama feels that having the drinking age at 21 is better than 18, because a bunch of frustrated teenagers is better than a bunch of dead ones. In my opinion, if I can fight for my country and kill someone, then I should be able to have a drink. Obama shows little faith in a generation that he could be sending off to war. Although his desicion may seem unfair, it appears to be the safest at this point in time.

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